An unbelievable night, to say the least. First arriving to the theatre in a Limo was exhilarating. With over 100 people lining the block, we exited into a series of flashes and lights. Second, we were interviewed by a "Joan Rivers Wannabe" Caitlin Knightly. Then we went inside to take our seats.

Once inside, Esther Knightly played the Piano as the other guests were let in. Next, Lee and Betst Pauklet performed a beautiful and meaningful song: "The Skyway Bridge Disaster." It is a folk song and very well done. Then Alexandro Zographos perfomed a song as the projector was prepared and finally "The Fallen Sky" was shown! After the movie, and much applause, Ms. Susan Englert was honored. She taught Christian in middle school, and helped him develop as a story teller and film maker. Then Christian showed an animated short: "Pippin." This short starred Ms. Englert and her dog Pippin. Then Christian honored his family and finally the whole cast was brought up on stage. Each member gave their own testimony of working with Christian and on "The Fallen Sky." All in all, it was a fabulous and elegant evening that most will never forget! 
The Only Bolt to Survive the Disaster! |

This bolt attached the highway to the concrete on the bridge. |