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Sea of Forgiveness


The Cover Art for the Video

"Sea of Forgiveness" is a movie about spies on the Titanic. This new film begins with the introduction of James Bullingsworth (Christian Knightly), an inspector for Scotland Yard. He is employed to figure out who is plotting to kill the Astors (the richest people in the world in 1912). He's sent as a first class passenger aboard the luxury liner Titanic. There he talks to some of the more popular Titanic characters including the Astors, Duff Gordons, and Mrs. Candee. In this odyssey, James meets a beautiful second class passenger named Lauren Bigsley (Tara Catlin). They both fall in love, but there is something mysterious about her. James continues his work, until the famous Iceburg hits. Does James find the killer? Will the Astors be killed before Titanic meets her doom? Who lives and who dies? Watch "Sea of Forgiveness" to find out!


Anything and Everthing You Ever Wanted To Know and See About Jame's Cameron's Titanic: Click Here!

Here is one of the many Titanic States Rooms. This room is Jame's room. Many dramatic scenes play out in the suites aboard Titanic.


James and Lauren prepare to board a lifeboat. Yes, those are Barbie dolls. Barbie was just a smaller version of real people that I could easily work with, let's just say using them was a step in my growth to live action film.


Mrs. Candee anxiously awaits for James on the boat deck. She has some pertinent news for James about his case.


Captain E.J. Smith awaits for the word that his ship is doomed. The Titanics Pilot House was uniquely constructed, utilizing many different materials. All the sets were quite elaborate and realistic. Set building took over 9 months, and every detail was delicately placed. I tried making it historically acurate and to scale with the dolls. In the end the movie took a year to make, and we had a great premiere!

History of the Titanic, Click Here!!



As you can see the size I built was scale to Barbie dolls but was still quite large. This model weighed over 100lbs and was slowly lifted into the water. Then the Titanic began it's famous descent to the bottom of the North Atlantic, okay actually my neighbor's pool, but still you get the idea!
